
Enabling Technology in Blue Economy Value Chains

Our CEO, Fred Puckle Hobbs shares his insights on the important role of technology in enabling the blue economy.

Sea Green featured on The Fish Site

Rob Fletcher, Senior Editor of The Fish Site, dives deeper into the Sea Green story and its unique technology.

Guest Blog - Is it Sticky Enough?

FinServ Experts' Yolanda Berry shares her insights on the adoption of tech solutions and barriers to tech-driven change

Deck the Halls with Sustainable Seaweed

December is a month of promises and reflection. Seaweed's role in sustainability, from ocean to consumption, is key.

Carbon Tunnel Vision? A Story of Seaweed Aquaculture

Seaweed gains momentum at COP26 as climate solution. Questions remain about scale, trade offs and coastal communities.

Mitigating Climate Risk for Seaweed Farmers

Seaweed farming can diversify livelihoods, restore fish stocks despite challenges posed by climate change.